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Finding your wedding's signature cocktail

Brimming with expertly crafted cocktails and a couture-clad guest list, cocktail soirées are fast becoming a popular option for modern couples who want the emphasis of their reception to be on celebrating and socialising.

Free from table settings and structured serving times, guests can mingle for the duration of the night, allowing for a truly festive and sociable atmosphere.

To personalise your cocktail party reception include a signature tipple for the night. You can ask your venue organisers to create something special to mark the occasion or come up with your own recipe.

At Bride Tasmania we love 'Wedded Bliss':

30ml Wyborowa Rose vodka
10ml crème de violette
30ml pink grapefruit juice
Top with Mumm Champagne

Serve ice cold in a champagne saucer with a rose petal garnish.

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