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Hi Guys,
Today i was going to post a review of a product but i changed my mind. I wanted to do something different for a change. I always get asked a lot of beauty questions by my friends. Even questions i may not have thought to ask . I like to learn about new beauty products, tips and tricks and i love to share what i know.

I am always excited when someone asks me something i know and vice versa as this gives me the chance to share knowledge and also do some beauty research as well. 

So a few days ago, a pal sent me a  face book message talking about her lashes. Basically she has really short and curled in lashes that makes it almost impossible to wear strip lashes. She also has problems with individual lashes as well and they always made her natural hair fall off  and she just didn't like the hastle of wearing lashes to bed. This i can totally relate with. I want to sleep with nothing on my face. 



Eyelashes can be such a problem!! ugggh. They get in your eye, they get in the way when you want to apply your falsies, They hurt sometimes too. I must confess once in high school i cut off my lashes because they where so long and they kept curving backwards and getting into my eye. I saw hell for at least three days before they grew back. I will NEVER do that again. I eventually got an eyelash curlers and  it was gifted to me but i just kept looking at it like O_0 ... What is this thing and how do i use it. I was really clueless. I eventually tried it out and i saw a big difference in my lashes. This tool does help curl lashes and i've been hooked ever since. I'm no eyelash curler hoarder ,but now i do have a few.

WHAT ARE EYELASH CURLERS: An eyelash curler is a hand-operated mechanical device for curling eyelashes for cosmetic purposes. Usually only the upper eyelashes are curled.

WHAT DO THEY DO: They help to curl the eyelashes and give the eye a brighter and wider look.

TYPES OF LASH CURLERS: There are different types of eyelash curlers. The regular clamp one, the electric heated one and a travel size one that is super cute but i've never used. The clamp style is more popular and i have seen different sizes of this. The width of the rubber around the clamp does vary though. I'm guessing for maximum curl. 

For stubborn lashes i recommend you heat the curler up for about 5 seconds with a blow dryer before application so it would aid in curling out the lashes better. And NO you will not hurt herself if you do this properly.Make sure to touch it before you apply so you dont hurt your eyelids.

If you are really big on lash curling, you may decide to splurge on an electric one. Personally, i am a little uncomfortable and worried  with putting anything that is electric or heated near my eyes. Don't worry about this though, because the electric curler is set in a way that it will not get hot enough to burn your lids. Just give you a great lash curl. But i personally don't think its that serious though. hmmm

So im going to share with you steps in applying a lash curler

1.  Open the clamp, and place it over your eye, so that your upper lashes go through the opening. (see above pic)
2.  Close it and get as close to the roots of the lashes as possible.  You are trying to curl close to the root, instead of at the ends, for maximum curl.  If you squeeze and it HURTS you are too close to the lid.  

3.  Do not squeeze hard, squeeze gently,opening and closing lightly . You can repeat method to get maximum results.

You can find videos of this on youtube. There are tons out there.

For really short and curled lashes, i would recommend a less curved but flat top clamped curler. Remember the point is to make them less curly and more straightened out. Then you can  give a little curl to them with your mascara.

There are different lash curlers from different brands out there. I personally would advice to stick to the good ol lash curlers that can be gotten anywhere. Sometimes the simpler the tool the better for me.  As long as you find one that works for you, it doesn't matter how much you paid because i honestly think they will give you the same results. Do buy whatever you can afford and make it work for you.

Hope i was able to help someone out there hoping to give a lash curler out there a home in their makeup bag. Do let me know what your favorites are.

Thanks for stopping by!!

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