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What does it mean to be a 'Karen' or a 'Chad'? Viral name memes explained - New York Post

Posted: 14 May 2020 02:29 PM PDT

Are you the type of gal who demands to speak to the manager when you feel you've been wronged? You just might be a "Karen."

Karen is the latest in a growing line of internet memes poking fun at real-life archetypes. Names such as Karen, Becky and Chad have been co-opted to call out social faux pas online, think: calling the police to shut down a kids' lemonade stand because they don't have a permit, or as slangy put-downs like, "Don't be such a Becky."

Other names have become so entangled in pop culture that they've taken on a new meaning: Who can think of anyone but the Kardashians when they hear "Kim"?

But while the internet directory is fun, real-life Karens (or Beckys, Debbies, Chads and Kyles) bear the brunt of the jokes.

Here's some of the names ruined by the internet, where they came from, and what the people named before the meme think about their online personas.


"Karen" has become social media shorthand meaning a middle-aged white woman — potentially with an asymmetric haircut a la 2009 Kate Gosselin — who makes a big fuss, and is not-so-blissfully ignorant. While the origins of "Karen" are oft debated, some point to Dane Cook's 2005 bit about the lamest gal in a group of friends being named Karen, others to the "Mean Girls" character played by Amanda Seyfried who is admonished for asking pal Cady (Lindsay Lohan) how she can be from Africa if she's white. Some view it as a righteous motivator for the creation of Black Twitter — the world wide web knows a Karen when it sees one.

One recent example of a Karen? A woman brawling with the Red Lobster staff, reduced because of the pandemic, because she had to wait too long for her food on Mother's Day.

Calling the cops, usually on black neighbors, is a calling card of a host of sub-Karens such as "Pool Patrol Paula" and "Dog Park Debbie," who enlisted the help of the police when a man's dog humped her own at the park.

Road rage is another feature of this viral type, on full display on the West Side Highway earlier this year when an angry mom, nicknamed "Kidz Bop Karen," lashed out at a Lyft driver and his passenger.


This one comes from the incel subculture, that's often described as involuntary celibate and comprised of mostly men who lack sex and romance in their lives. Per incel lingo, "Chads" are the guys who get laid.

These hyper-masculine sexually active dudes have chiseled jaws and bulging muscles. According to the internet etymology bible "Know Your Meme," the term began in the '90s in Chicago to describe an affluent frat boy, but quickly exploded on online forums reddit and 4chan.

"My parents named me after the African country," writes one DC-based Chad on Twitter who resents the recent Chad re-brand. "But my name has now become culturally synonymous with bland, Aryan-looking MAGA dudes."

Others see it as an opportunity: "The memes give me something to prove I'm not," says Chad Stark, 30, of Brooklyn. "I was so aware of how my name works against me, I think it helped me to land my girlfriend," adds Stark, who calls the memes "funny."


This name has been co-opted by both disgruntled online men like incels and social justice warriors calling out oblivious white women, like "BBQ Becky" who called the police on a black family's cookout.

The opening monologue in Sir Mix-A-Lot's 1992 song "Baby Got Back" is one of the origins of the disparaging "Becky." The hit kicks off with two pals commenting on another woman's behind: "Oh my God, Becky, look at her butt! It is so big. She looks like one of those rap guy's girlfriends."

Beyoncé gets some of the credit for revamping this Rebecca nickname: on her 2016 song "Sorry" she sang "You better call Becky with the good hair," which threw the internet into a tailspin of speculation on who she could have meant.

Now, it's expanded to reference any snobbish or out-of-touch woman, which poet Becky Lavarn, of Texas, does not relate to.

"For one, I am not white American and most memes are related to a white American Becky," says the 26-year-old. Still, she says she doesn't resent the use of her name, and even adopted it as part of her brand.

"I use Beyoncé's 'Becky with the good hair' as my podcast tagline to break the ice," she says.


The caricature of Kyle is an angry, young white man with a love of energy drinks. This name originated from a foul-mouthed video posted in 2015 on the now-defunct video platform Vine. Titled "White kid fight," it had over half a million views, and showed a tatted-up teen antagonizing an imaginary "Kyle."

Punching drywall, being obsessed with extreme sports such as paintball and BMX, and opting for wraparound polarized sunglasses are all tropes of the Kyle meme, though Kyle Leonard doesn't relate to any of those.

"My personality is not at all like the memes," the University of Vermont medical student tells The Post.

The 23-year-old has a good sense of humor when it comes to the unflattering meme. "After it gained popularity I found myself making jokes about it" — but he might not be far off from the gag.

"While studying for my board exams, I drank about five to six cans of Bang Energy a week to caffeinate for long study days, so I guess I kind of became one with the meme," he says.


Stacy also comes from the world of incels, go figure, they're famous for being online 24/7, and is basically a hotter version of Becky.

The hyper-femme Stacy, according to chat rooms and countless posts, is the female equivalent of Chad. She is oblivious to her own sex appeal, she lives the life of luxury and is always being courted by slobbering guys.


This viral meme has a definite genesis: the 1995 comedy "Friday," starring Ice Cube. In it, a character called Felicia tries to mooch off of Ice Cube and Chris Tucker's characters. "Bye, Felicia," bids an unimpressed Cube.

While the name isn't a stereotype so much as a cold send-off, the name has become closely associated with the meme, causing real Felicias grief.

"I used to love my name, but when social media became a huge thing my name got thrown in the bunch of the 'Bye, Felicia' memes. I started to hate it," Felicia Ornelas, 24, who lives in Washington, tells The Post. "When I meet new people and they find out my name, they'll say, 'I've always wanted a friend named Felicia so I could tell them bye,' which can hurt," she adds. "I hate being the center of a joke."


Comedy duo Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele ruined the name Aaron for a ton of dudes with the moniker. In their viral sketch "Substitute Teacher," Key mispronounces all the names of the white kids in the class. He fumbles Aaron, imploring the class, "A-a-ron!?"

Real-life Aarons apparently have to endure the intentional botch all the time. "If I could erase every copy of that sketch from the planet I would," wrote one Aaron on Twitter. A New Jersey-bemoaned Aaron also bemoaned online, "Every time I meet people and tell them my name is Aaron, they ask me if I've seen that 'Key & Peele' skit."

'You About To Lose Yo Job' has become an internet anthem against police brutality - Insider - INSIDER

Posted: 05 Jun 2020 01:59 PM PDT

  • An unsourced clip of an altercation between a woman and law enforcement went viral this week. 
  • In the clip, the woman is seen asserting her right to know why she's being detained by police. 
  • The woman then breaks into song and dance, causing the officer to crack a reluctant smile. 
  • The woman in the video appears to have identified herself via her Instagram account.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Not all heroes wear capes. Case in point: The mysterious, handcuffed woman who captured the internet's heart this week when a minute-long clip of her being detained by police went viral. In the video, which has not been verified as real, an officer holds onto her arm while she playfully ribs and questions him. 

"I don't wanna be detained for no goddamn reason," the woman is seen asking the officer. "Yeah, that's how the f-ck I act, naturally. Ask anybody who know me."

The officer responds, mildly: "What you in school for?"

"The fuck are you talking about?" the woman replies. "Why are you detaining me? You about to lose yo job."

Taking the officer's silence as an invitation to reiterate her word of warning, the woman then turned "you about to lose yo job" into a freestyle rap. 

"You about to lose your job," she repeats to an imaginary beat, twerking. "Get this dance. You about to lose your job 'cause you are detaining me for nothing." 

The woman, who remains unidentified outside of her Instagram handle (@getthisdance), even managed to get the officer who was restraining her to reluctantly crack a smile. Near the end of the video, he is seen turning away from the camera.

The video began to gain traction on Twitter on June 3. 

By the following day, multiple covers and covers of the woman's spontaneous riff had been created — each one more danceable than the next. As Twitter user @KC_in_NYC pointed out in response to the deluge of remixes, "Amidst all the chaos, craziness and crying, Black people have always been able to find a way to inject humor - and music - into the situation. It's probably what has kept us sane through all these years."

The most popular remix, at the moment, is "Lose Yo Job," a collaboration between DJ iMarkkeyz and DJ Suede.

iMarkkeyz is best known for creating Cardi B's "Coronavirus" remix. Along with the remix, the pair dropped an accompanying video that weaves together clips of the original police encounter, Beyonce's Coachella performance, Bobby Shmurda's "Hot N***a" music video, and Childish Gambino's "This Is America" music video. As the video jumps from clip to clip, the mugshots of the officers who were involved in the killing of George Floyd in police custody on May 25 scroll by. Above their heads, the word "charged" is typed in red.

Another remix, made by blogger and "music lover" Random J, was uploaded the following day. 

 "Obviously I had to put a beat on this," he wrote.

The clip has inspired a dance challenge, too.

Multiple women (and even a few children!) are doing the #youabouttoloseyourjobchallenge on Instagram and TikTok. 

On Twitter, some worried the woman wouldn't be credited or compensated for the success of the song's remixes.

Others worried about whether she might be in jail or need financial assistance to cover legal fees after the police encounter. The woman did not immediately respond to Insider for comment on what occurred after she appeared to be detained.

These concerns speak to a broader conversation about the importance of properly recognizing and paying people of color, and especially black people, for their ideas and work. In recent years, calls to grant reparations for black Americans have grown louder, online and offline. 

In her Instagram bio, the "lose yo job girl" provides her Venmo and Cashapp handles, should anyone wish to send her a tip or a show of support. 

Now, the phrase "you about to lose yo job" has become a political slogan.

For those hoping to vote President Donald Trump out of office in November, "you about to lose yo job" is the perfect rallying cry. 

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