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Challenge Update - May 2014

My 2014 challenges are:-

1) Knit one hat each week for The Innocent Big Knit.

2) Do something nice for me.

3) Choose a non fiction book from the library.

This month, I've knit the Innocent Big Knit Garlic again by Juliet Bernard which can be found on Ravelry. I've used this pattern before but I previously knit the hats in cream so that they resembled garlic, but this month, I've knit them in bright colours.

My nice thing for May was spending some time at Fairburn Ings RSPB reserve to get to know my camera a little better. I got my DSLR camera last year but I'm still getting to grips with it. I enjoyed taking lots of different photos, here are a few of them.

We've booked to go to Cornwall again for our holidays this year so I thought the Country Living Guide To Rural England - The West Country would be a good non fiction book to choose for May. It contains lots of information about various places in Cornwall, as well as other counties in The West Country. We're staying about five miles away from Bude so we're not all that far from the border with Devon, which we sometimes cross on days out while we're on holiday, so it's good to have information on places in Devon too.

Eleanor hasn't had any exams this week with it being the school holidays so we've had a bit of a lazy week. Just as well really with me just getting over my bad cold. She's still been revising but has taken a bit of time out for a couple of sleepovers at friend's houses as well as trips out with friends. Just two more weeks to go and her GCSEs will be finished. I hope all the studying she's done will be worth it.

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