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Dans Notre Jardin~ et dans Notre Cuisine~

Above taken with Nexus 7Android..never knew..


Des omelettes..des quiches..(Pre baked ..and then baked again to crisp u the part that was in the quiche pan:)..I LOVE quiches..I really do.. du pain..des mauves:..Miss Kim korean lilacs..Alliums...Columbines.. Solomon's Seals.and butterflies ..thanks to the lilacs.. and Rose Cottage..aka La  Maison Des Jardins..in it's very early stages..when the gardens fill in around her..she is more photogenic:)

Rose Cottage is at the end of our property on the left hand side..The hedge..our hedge that our children helped us plant..11 yrs ago is to the left..It needs a yearly cut..it took beautifully..
Rose Cottage sits on the limits:)
There's an apple tree..  it's what I see out our side bedroom window..and birdhouse planter..  Geraniums and roses and a new flowering almond...the front end is a potting area the back end houses the tractor..and garden tools..
The flagstone path leads to the pond/fairy garden..that leads to the round cutting garden..then side garden..Everything looks a little busy before the clematis hide the structures..:(But once the leaves and blooms grow..it all kind of disappears..:)

And only nature shows..like my camouflage expert up above:)

My Alliums..  their growth spurt..reminds me of one of my all time favorite Rod McKuen poems~

Number 8 From Caught In the Quiet~

being the right hand of God,
should be dealt with courteously.
And fireworks that fizzle in July
should not be held accountable in August.
I will not scold you
just because you changed your mind,
though I'll admit a jealousy of curtains
that just now separate your face from mine.

His poetry  still moves me no end~Caught In The Quiet..still maybe my best?  Ok Maybe not..all of them!

Alliums are like FIREWORKS~

Plant some if you can..they return every yr..small ..medium..or Gigantic:)

To Follow:)

I know..this is supposed to be a food blog:)
But when new blooms are involved..
Or wee boys..I tend to sway~I still bake and cook...but the gardens call me more than food to photo..you would think I raised chickens with all the eggs:-)

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