After a morning of medical appointments I have some good news. For the first time in about 20 years my blood pressure medication is being reduced from three different meds per day down to two. Today's reading was slightly higher than the last one (two weeks ago) but still showing as just below the lower level of the acceptable range for my age group. I have to go back in six months to be reassessed (or sooner if I have any concerns) so a significant improvement from the previous monthly/two monthly checks. Also, because of the medication that's been dropped, I no longer need regular blood tests.
J and D are here doing the first fix on the plumbing in the family bathroom. D has also changed the radiators in the living room for bigger double ones to try to improve the heating in that room. They're currently refilling the system so the house will soon be warm again, which means I can hide myself away in the living room and make lists, read, and (once they've gone home) do some music practice.
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