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Exactly who died and made Iowans our 'King Makers?"

No, I did not watch the fifty-second Republican debate.  Why bother?  The positions and proposals of most of those candidates on that stage last night will be irrelevant here in Illinois, when we hold our Republican primary in March: Iowans will have determined which candidates that I can vote for, since mostly likely half of those guys on stage will be gone next week, and most of the rest of the pack will have been considered to be non-viable by our "King Makers" in Iowa.

And exactly why should Iowans have such power?  These rubes and hicks in Fly-Over Iowa would starve to death if it were not for Uncle Sam rigging the system so that all of their damn corn ends up in all of our gas tanks.  It's perhaps time that Iowans looked for honest work, rather than depend on government handouts to put bread on their tables.

These damn Iowans are the people that determine who I get to vote for.  They will have winnowed the field down to perhaps two guys by the time I see a primary ballot here in Illinois in March.  And maybe even one guy: Donald Trump.

Who died and made these Iowan socialists our "King Makers?"  Even the most hard core conservative in Iowa will caucus for the guy that promises to keep the pedal to the metal on ethanol subsidies.  Hardly the stuff of rock ribbed conservatives, if you ask me.  Let the market decide if ethanol is a viable form of energy (it isn't), rather than jam it down all of our throats via the ham fisted power of the U.S. federal government.

I am getting awfully tired of my western neighbors telling me who I am allowed to vote for as president.  They can't even get out of bed in the morning without government money thrown at them, the damn lazy socialist rubes.  To hell with those hayseed Iowan hicks, if you ask me.

We should hold our primaries nationwide on the same day, rather than allow a pack of commie pinkos in ethanol subsidy-addicted Iowa to decide our fates.

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