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Little Moments to Share

Just a few happenings this week that I noticed while bracing the frigid temperatures a second time around.  On Tuesday Frodo and I did our walk in 24 degrees and I considered that "warm".  My how perception changes when you are facing zero degrees.  Early mornings and late evenings are staying lighter longer and with those hours stretching comes more activity.  Gone is my hibernation feeling, I am ready for more outdoor activities!

This week our sparrow who lives in the little tree beside our house has been sunning herself and leaving tiny foot prints in the snow.  She is ready for spring - I predict there will be little babies once again.  The deer continue to hang out at the wood's edge, we've seen up to eight and frequently they are sleeping under the trees, content and secure.

On our walk, Frodo and I discovered large animal prints in the snow, he went mad following the scent and I wondered, bear?  (nope, hibernating most likely) large cat?  (doubt it) and circled back to the prints most likely were made by another domestic dog who was out for a walk.  I did enjoy the free thinking and daydreaming that went with the wondering.

My husband surprised me with flowers on Tuesday and each morning I walk by the bouquet and smile.  We tend to be low key in the gift giving, so the surprise was a fun one.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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