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Feeding the hungry.

The weekend flew by. 
We are in the middle of improvements to the teeny-weeny mouse-house kitchen and when they are done I'll be much happier. I'm not one for chaotic surroundings but I finally found some tile I liked and have put the retired-guy to work on the counter. And, he added a few corner shelves for me.

It's pretty active at the feeders with the cold weather upon us.
Last night we were in a deep-freeze, -30C with the wind-chill.  Geesh!
This is when I really worry about the feral cats and all the other wild-life out in the elements.
The ferals that I fed where I used to live are still being cared for by a very kind lady in that area. She keeps them in dry food for the winter and I, too, put food down for them twice a week.
Today was one of those days.
There are tracks but no one ever sees them.
There could be one, there could be ten.
And as long as there are tracks they will be fed.

They all need help.

I hope the birds enjoy my hand-made seed wreath.
I hung it right over the old pump where Simon is snoozin' away.
He would have loved a go at this.
I haven't seen him since Christmas day.
"Sleep well, little fella."

I give it three minutes before the squirrels find this and they may provide some amusing photo opportunities.
I know the chickadees will spot it first though because, well, they are just the most delightful & wise little bird ever.

I hope you are staying warm.
Hot tea, honey & a muffin might help.
Or two. ;-)
hugs, Deb


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