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Neighborhood Visitors

Our area has been having more visitors of the wildlife kind more frequently than anytime in the past.
It was just last week when I was talking to a neighbor who lives on the next street over and she mentioned that a couple bears had been in their yard the night prior.

And, recently on two different occasions, I have noticed the trash barrel in my next door neighbors yard has been turned over and lots of what appears to be white paper spilled out nearby . The home is a vacation home and they are frequently here since their main residence is only about two hours away.  They are the neighbors that live on the other side and are very meticulous about their home and garden maintenance. So, I really doubt that there are any food scraps in the barrels. But, the bears are really hungry and they probably smell food from the barrels.

The fact that my property is fully fenced seems to help keep the bears as well as the deer out.  The prize (trash) with the least resistance is probably the more desirable target area.

The forest lands further up the hill have been severely clear cut and that causes the bears to migrate down to forge for food.

The Rose Of Sharon is starting to bloom.
The Rebecca At The Well fountain sounds nice and cooling !
I hope your week is Going Well.


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